An Open Letter to the Pope on the Occasion of Appointing Katalin Karikó to the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy
Scientific and Spiritual Underpinnings and a Biblical Foreshadowing of an Apprehensible Role of the Holy Father
February 2024
Your Holiness Pope Franziskus
Palazzo Apostolico
00120 Città del Vaticano
Most Holy Father:
You recently appointed Dr Katalin Karikó as an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. This was done for her scientific research which led to the development of the mRNA-based vaccine against Covid-19, for which she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2023.
But not everyone is celebrating, and the world has become divided over this issue. As a spiritual leader, you will know one of the basic tenets of MLK’s, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
You may also sense you have been sent for a time like this.
Scriptural Basis
“There was a judge in a certain town who didn’t fear God or respect people.
“And a widow in that town kept coming to him, saying, ‘Give me justice against my adversary.’
“For a while he was unwilling, but later he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or respect people,
“yet because this widow keeps pestering me, I will give her justice, so that she doesn’t wear me out by her persistent coming.’ ” (Luk 18:2-5, CSB)
I know you do fear God and you do respect people. This is why I urge you to give justice to the silenced and the oppressed. Some say millions of people have been killed by the Covid-19 shots. Others call this misinformation. I know of several, including those who have tried to raise their voice, many to whom justice has been denied.
But what if it was only one person who died because of the jabs? Or only one person who got injured? I plead with you to please hear their concerns.
MSM and leading politicians keep saying that the jabs saved millions of lives.
I wish, from my heart, that this was the case. I would celebrate with Drs Karikó and Weissman.
I am also a scientist, with two Ph.D.s in two independent fields (Mathematics and Biomedical Sciences), plus a Habilitation in Cryptography and Data Security. As such, I am very familiar with scientific progress and what used to be an ongoing search for truth.
But every innovation, every new treatment, everything here on earth manifests in polarities - where there is celebration, there are tears of desperation, where there is gain, there is loss.
Scientific and Spiritual Underpinnings
According to a survey by Rasmussen Reports, a majority of Americans believe COVID-19 vaccines may be to blame for many unexplained deaths, and nearly one in four say someone they know could be among the victims.
During the pandemic, many have been forced to get vaccinated. Families have become divided, as have been closest friends, and society overall. Those who were not vaccinated have been ostracized and outcast and treated as lepers during Biblical times. And this, even though the injections were not even developed to prevent infection or transmission of the virus. Years later, it has been confirmed they cannot do this, as is also evident from the many “breakthrough” infections, the lack of vaccine-induced herd immunity, and the fact that 2nd generation Covid vaccines are now seen as the solution.
Why was vaccination mandated then? Wasn’t it all based on fear?
And yet, the Scriptures tell us: “Do not be afraid.” Someone said it’s written 365 times.
Likewise, Baird Spalding, with whom you will be very familiar, wrote in the middle of the last century:
"In 1918, during the great "flu" epidemic, was not fear at the bottom of its continuance?
"As soon as fear subsided, the epidemic subsided also."
We see the same fear-mongering today, with global elites warning us of the new disease X, the urgent need for pandemic prevention measures and a “pandemic agreement” and that (public) health can only be resolved by artificial intelligence. But we have seen the very same before. A few months before the pandemic we had Event 201, and the years leading up to it were likewise shaped by gain-of-function experiments which made viruses more dangerous, ostensibly, to prevent a pandemic.
“We fear the future because we are wasting today,” Mother Teresa told us. She said this years ago. Nowadays, we are not only wasting “today.” We are wasting human life, killing, stealing, and destroying.
Nobody can any longer deny the heartbreaking reality that pandemic response measures such as lockdowns and vaccinations were insanely harmful.
Just recently, a study by the CDC, which investigated 99 million people vaccinated for COVID-19 found “very rare” adverse events. It is important to realize the grave limitations of the study. It not only employs numerous exclusion criteria. Additionally, data analysis is not merely based on established statistical approaches but heavily relies on expert opinion. Furthermore, it does not align with what many have experienced. For example, cases are known of people who died within days after receiving the jab. However, even though autopsy studies confirmed that their death was likely caused by the injection, they officially were still counted as unvaccinated.
But even if adverse advents were statistically rare, since the majority of the global population received the jab, such “very rare” adverse events end up affecting millions.
And what if you are among those who experienced such a “very rare” neurological, genetic, metabolic, autoimmune, blood, or heart disorder?
While statistics deals with numbers, where the rubber hits the road is when n=1. If it is your parent, grandparent, child, or your best friend, then you do not care if globally there were 17 million deaths, or just one.
The issue is not whether or not the frequency is “very rare” or “rare.” If their very existence does not raise attention and concern, then adding a few zeros to the number of causalities would likely not make any difference either. If you do not care about a few, how many would you regard as important?
We know from countless spiritual texts that n=1 is always the basis. It is at the heart of “doing to others what we would like them to do to us.” It is also according to the heart of God.
"Which one of you, if he has a hundred sheep and loses one of them, would not leave the ninety-nine in the open pasture and go look for the one that is lost until he finds it?” (Luk 15:4, NET)
Jesus describes this as an innate human characteristic. Have we lost our essence of humanity to statistics, technology, and AI?
Here we find ourselves, with a new gene technology marketed as a vaccine to combat a virus that for the vast majority of people causes very mild infection.
On Karikó’s Work
Katalin Karikó’s nomination to the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life was accompanied by the following rationale regarding the two Nobel laureates:
“Through their groundbreaking findings, which have fundamentally changed our understanding of how mRNA interacts with our immune system, the laureates contributed to the unprecedented rate of vaccine development during one of the greatest threats to human health in modern times.”
Can it really be that one thing, here one novel technology, only has good aspects? Is it, alone, the only thing that can help us defend against one of “the greatest threats to human health?”
Have we not seen numerous individuals throughout history who showed us how to live truly aligned with nature? They did not fear wild animals, fire, or storms, and, by relying on their innate God-given powers, were able to master all forms of obstacles and challenges that nowadays we now try to solve via “innovation” and AI.
The late Rev. Thomas Keating put it so simply: “For human beings, the most daunting challenge is to become fully human. For to become fully human is to become fully divine.”
Additionally, as a scientist, I could go on to provide statistics about excess mortality trends and more - the argument can be made that during the year 2020, many nations did not experience the high number of deaths that we are told to believe. I could go on to emphasize the lack of basic knowledge we have in this regard. Indeed, it may be shocking to learn that after all these years, public health officials and statisticians are still revising the numbers of how many people are typically dying, and constantly changing their baseline numbers. But if we don’t know what is normal, how can we know the jabs saved millions of lives?
I already wrote about this years ago - albeit, the most important question of mortality trends and numbers is still not resolved. But I do not want to focus on this ongoing statistical back and forth.
The point is that numerous claims have been made about the lethality of SARS-CoV-2 and the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines that were based on models and assumptions that have long been shown to be either outdated or seriously flawed. But that is not the main issue either.
Whatever the problem or task at hand, those of us who have been searching for the truth, have always known that pre-conceived ideas and notions taken for granted are far more serious obstacles than the greatest known pitfalls and problems.
The Franciscan priest Richard Rohr noted the following foundational principle that applies likewise to all truth seekers, whether spiritual or scientific.
“People who’ve had any genuine spiritual experience always know that they don’t know. They are utterly humbled before mystery. They are in awe before the abyss of it all, in wonder at eternity and depth, and a Love, which is incomprehensible to the mind.”
It is not true that the findings by Karikó and Weissman “have fundamentally changed our understanding of how mRNA interacts with our immune system.” Their far-reaching chemical modification to RNA, aiming to down-regulate immune destruction of the injected material, raises serious questions. For example:
What are the consequences of ablating the body’s first line of immune defense?
How can effective immune memory, which requires the enactment of innate immune recognition during the first encounter of the antigen, be generated with the innate immune response abrogated?
Given that the innate immune system has, per Kariko and Weissman’s RNA modification, not been “trained,” but the SARS-CoV-2 keeps escaping antibody response, what protective immune responses are left to those who have been vaccinated?
How does the programmed innate immune down-regulation impact the overall immune defense against other pathogens and invaders?
How does this affect cancer and autoimmune development?
Furthermore, the modifications done to the RNA also result in serious issues regarding its stability. However, it was only after the product was injected into billions of arms that we realized that it is resistant to normal physiological degradation processes, making it survive for weeks or even months post-jab and leading to a vast host of previously unanticipated effects, many of them highly deleterious. I could go on to explain the detrimental effects Karikó and Weissman’s RNA modifications have on the ribosome and the aberrant and likely dangerous protein products we see as a result. Many of such sobering findings have been censored and suppressed but their reality cannot be ignored. For example, as I am writing this, some of the world’s leading scientists and health professionals, along with politicians, lawyers, and whistleblowers, are meeting for the fifth International Crisis Summit in Washington, D.C.
It would be impossible, in one letter, to detail the many unintended consequences of the far-reaching consequences of mRNA technologies.
A large number of these consequences I have summarized in my book, which last year was published with Springer. I would be happy to send you a hard copy - which critically analyses both the challenges and opportunities of mRNA vaccines.
Many Widows and the Most Nobel Judge of Modern Times
This letter is not about blaming Dr Karikó. Rather, it is about the judge who decided to reverse his course to give justice to the widow.
In this regard, I believe you are just like this judge.
Many have reached out to you pleading for help. There has been the widow who lost their son to the Covid-19 injections, and the widow whose family business went under during the lockdowns.
I write to you, in the role of a widow too, not in the physical sense, but related to my true identity. I, along with many others, have been deprived of my right to speak freely about vaccines or other measures mandated by the controligarchs. France, for example, now wants to make it a crime if someone questions government-approved medical treatments. I am sure you are familiar with the WHO’s pandemic treaty and the updated IHRs, to control all aspects of everyone’s life, including our beliefs and opinions.
OneHealth, with its agenda to place humans, animals, plants, and the ecosystem, at one level, is doomed to fail as it violates the foundational divine truth conveyed by numerous traditional spiritual traditions: humans have been set as “masters” over the “animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdom,” completely endowed with divine Supreme Intelligence.
Our right to freedom, earning possessions & succeeding in life, and the foundational divinity of every human being, are God-given rights that we must exercise. Efforts to combat the infodemic, censorship, and authoritarianism are not aligned with this.
Paul wrote to the Corinthians
“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run [their very best to win], but only one receives the prize? Run [your race] in such a way that you may seize the prize and make it yours!” (1 Co 9:24, AMP)
Each one of us must run our race. As everyone runs their own course, it is a divine mandate that each be able to win. The guidelines for this race are divinely determined, and there is only one: everyone must have the ability to live their life so they can succeed.
Please remember the many “widows” who are appealing to you to restore their right to human dignity, free speech, bodily autonomy, and freedom. There are thousands upon thousands of them. They will not stop “pestering” you until their plea is heard. They are not alone. Even if they may not physically be able to enter your premises, their thoughts and prayers are continually with you.
The Protection of Life
I am told that the Pontifical Academy for Life deals with bioethical issues, the focus of which is the protection of life.
There can be no better protection than each individual relying on their genuine instinct - the small inner voice that Jesus called the Father within. What is lacking these days is not pandemic preparedness, censorship, and authoritarian regimes. What the world desperately needs is for everyone to be free to live their life in their own way and be encouraged and supported by politicians and leaders to make it most magnificent. Baird Spalding emphasizes this God-given right and the genuine nature of every man and woman:
“This is the definite understanding which Jesus had. ‘Ye are Gods, and sons of the Most High.’ That was His thought regarding the fact of human existence. Always the highest; always the noblest; always the purest; always Light… This projected vision can carry humanity above any fear or discordant conditions of thought, can keep humanity always at that level of high accomplishment, going from a lesser to a greater field of usefulness.”
I pray you would not only see the Christ in every individual. Destined to be a spiritual leader during these times of fear, confusion, adversity, and manipulation, may you set a precedent for all to be real, authentic, and free, realizing the visions and dreams we each conceive from the Highest, and fully expressing our lives e pluribus unum.
I remain
Very respectfully yours,
Siguna Mueller, Ph.D., Ph.D.
Thank you Siguna. Very well written thoughtful article. And very much needed. I hope and pray it will be read and justly answered.
These days, I live like the medieval peasant, where what happens in the Vatican doesnt affect my faith or spiritual life. Otherwise, it can be distressing indeed.
Trying to communicate with humanoids like these is like getting into the devil’s house... They do not deserve any consideration..