The Mysterious Virus in China, Ongoing Lab Manipulations, and Why Vaccines Play Such an Infamous Role
A Perfect Business Model
There we go again! According to recent reports, “Five Years After COVID Outbreak, China Has a Mysterious Virus Outbreak.”
It almost sounds like a replay of what we went through with SARS-CoV-2: “A new Chinese virus looms,” we are told. Ostensibly, this time, it concerns the Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV), which is a mysterious virus blamed on the sudden rise of respiratory diseases. It is said to cause symptoms akin to influenza and COVID-19.
We are still being assured that while the virus may cause severe disease for some, i.e. those with compromised immune systems, the elderly, or very young children, for most, it causes symptoms akin to the common cold.
Yet, there are two reasons why the fear response is being stoked: (1) the cases in China have been rising dramatically, and (2), there is no vaccine for this mysterious virus.
Neighboring countries are watching the situation closely, fearing the virus could reach them as well.
I am reminded of what unfolded during the COVID-19 pandemic, of the sudden disappearance of the flu virus during the times whilst SARS-CoV-2 numbers exploded. Later, the WHO even admitted that better PCR routines are needed, urging the development of tests that would be able to differentiate between the influenza and the “novel virus” (for more details on this debacle, please see e.g. my book).
While I do not want to imply that SARS-CoV-2 is not real – because it is – the actual disaster was not caused by the virus. The pandemic debacle relied on misattribution (suddenly everything was the novel virus), inflated case numbers, and the debunking of helpful treatments. The danger of the virus was exceedingly overestimated and built on fabricated media reporting.
We don’t even need AI to be fooled via deepfakes depicting new threats. How on earth can we validate the purported case numbers and death rates that we are told? I don’t care if it is from China or elsewhere. As soon as you have everything based on fear, the rest is by definition falsehood and fraud. Just tell everyone there is a problem, that you know what the problem is, that you have a solution, and that everyone who opposes that solution is YOUR enemy and threatening YOUR survival. It’s the same shameless tactic that was widely employed during the Hitler regime.
Unfortunately, it’s not over and so many are still traumatized from the last debacle.
Who are what will be blamed this time?
The GRAVITAS reporter does not fall for the fear campaign. “While it awfully sounds like a [COVID-19] Deja Vu, nobody wants it to play out in real life.” She hopes China will be more transparent this time. Will it reveal facts in a more open and timely manner?
I won’t hold my breath for that.
Regarding hMPV, an interesting question is to what extent are we dealing with a novel virus? Ironically, here, this is not the case as hMPV was first discovered in 2001. If this virus has been around for so long, then why does it seem there is such a rapid surge in cases?
Does it matter whether or not it is a new virus?
The Year 2025
Remember that not too long ago, Peter Hotez promised a number of viral releases the day after Trump’s inauguration. His arrogant stance of knowing the type of viruses and exact dates of their emergence leaves no doubt he is not talking about natural spillovers.
It’s not only him alone. It cannot be denied there is a race going on, propelled by the same forces and activities that brought us into this situation in the first place.
Very often, the argument is made that humans are not skilled enough to manipulate viruses in the lab. Surely, they would not be able to create a novel virus that could survive and persist outside the lab environment, let alone be a threat, some argue.
While I agree that researchers know very little about viruses and pathogens, lab work does not require them to know all the details. One of the oldest tricks in lab manipulation has always been to rely on the propensity of all life forms (incl. viruses) to survive and adapt to challenges. When put under lab-imposed “selective pressure,” viral evolution can be sped up by many orders of magnitude in an extremely short time.
How will they evolve under such artificially imposed pressure?
That’s exactly the point. In most cases, it’s hard to predict. Nonetheless, this does not show that research is not advanced enough to create a real hazard. Indeed, if you do lab experiments at scale, you can be sure that some viruses will pick up new traits – different from those had they been left alone.
Then researchers can go and select specific ones and combine them with “more advanced” lab techniques to build a huge “library” of manipulated viruses and try to understand which changes lead to which phenotype.
This is not little kids playing in a sandbox. Some have long pointed out that this type of work is an existential threat to humanity.
I am just puzzled it is still going on.
If it was all done very selectively, in a demonstratively secured lab environment, well documented, and with clear oversight and attribution, it would be dangerous enough. But that’s not reality. Not even 5 years after the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak.
I guess to some select elites, the expected promises are too high. Some may argue all this dangerous work is done in clandestine to advance biological weapons. Others see it from a business perspective. It could be both. And if something did go wrong, and one of those pathogens did escape the lab, you have a new opportunity, according to “do not ever let a crisis go to waste.” It’s a perfect setup. You create the problem, deliberately, knowingly, or by chance, and then, you enforce the solution on the entire globe!
I am not convinced the “mysterious virus from China,” or other lab-manipulated pathogens will quietly be swept under the carpet.
The following puts it into another more recent context.
Why hundreds of vials of deadly viruses can “just go missing”
On December 16, 2024, Newsweek reported:
“Hundreds of Vials of Deadly Viruses Missing After Lab Breach”
Queensland Health Minister Tim Nicholls announced recently that 323 samples of live viruses—including Hendra virus, Lyssavirus and Hantavirus—went missing in 2021 in a "serious breach of biosecurity protocols.
The public was only informed 3 years later.
The lab has not been able to conclude if the viruses were destroyed or removed from secure storage, but they do not appear to have been stolen.
I am curious why they try to dispel the very possibility of theft. We all know that some powerful and meanwhile infamous agencies have had a great interest in deadly pathogens. What if we replace the word “stolen” with “withdrawn and redirected?”
…we don't have any evidence that Hendra virus has been weaponized in any way in any research laboratory.
I am also curious where and how evidence of illicit biological weapons development would be publicized. Would it make mainstream news?! Would the media jump all on it and enforce the shutdown of such type of research and hold the drivers of such work criminally accountable?
Of course, all this kind of research is taken in secret, but we are not aware that this has been weaponized in any way. The process of weaponizing a virus is very sophisticated, and is not something an amateur does.
That’s raising a sobering question about the identity of those who may have been involved, possibly deliberately. What if bioterrorists are not rogue nations, as traditionally feared….
The samples appear to have gone unaccounted for after a freezer they were being stored in at Queensland's Public Health Virology Laboratory broke down. … They were transferred to a functioning freezer without the appropriate paperwork being completed. The materials may have been removed from that secure storage and lost, or otherwise unaccounted-for.
Unfortunately, such an incident would not be neither the first time nor the last, of such type of lab accident. Researchers transferring the samples may truly not know how deadly some of the viruses are. This is the perfect scenario for a lab accident and escape. But why work with deadly pathogens, to begin with? Why dig them out from nature, haul them into a lab, “work” with them, and then store them in freezers?
According to the Biological Weapons Convention, biological weapons must not be stockpiled, and if discovered anywhere, must be destroyed.
The so-called BWC “clause” that has allowed some to find a loophole to this convention, is based on a scientific lie. No knowledge can be obtained from this type of research that is benign and helpful.
To be clear. This research has never been used for the development of any vaccine or therapeutic and has not had any other benefit whatsoever. Dr Richard Ebright, a leading authority on Gain of Function (GoF) or Dual-use research, has warned about the insanity of such experiments for decades. In a recent interview, he clearly lays out all the lies, cover-ups, and manipulations, how, at least in the U.S., research that traditionally had been helpful and benign was diverted to research involving biological weapons, with priorities for funding, despite the known serious dangers and outcries of numerous experts against it.
So, why play with fire? Newsweek continues.
According to a statement from the Queensland government, there is "no evidence of risk to the community from the breach," as the viruses would have degraded very quickly and subsequently become harmless to humans.
If this is what viruses always do, then why are the WHO, the UN, and the elites so concerned about future spillover events and pandemics?
It's important to note that virus samples would degrade very rapidly outside a low temperature freezer and become non-infectious.
That excuse doesn’t fly. When researchers resurrected the 1918 pandemic influenza virus they did just that. Whilst that virus had become extinct – and people currently living no longer have immunity to this pathogen - researchers extracted the virus from permafrost corpses who had fallen victim to the virus and still carried the virus around. In turn, they were able to reconstruct the virus from its sequence information alone.
Importantly, no Hendra or Lyssavirus cases have been detected among humans in Queensland over the past five years, and there have been no reports of Hantavirus infections in humans ever in Australia," Gerrard explained.
This is good news for those in Australia but no guarantee that the viruses could not have ended up in some laboratories elsewhere on the globe.
An investigation into the breach has been initiated....Queensland Health has taken proactive measures since discovering the breaches including retraining staff to ensure ongoing compliance with required regulations and an audit of all relevant permits to ensure accountability and correct storage of materials.
And what is the justification for working with dangerous pathogens to begin with?
A sobering analysis by one of the leading authorities and outspoken opponents of gain-of-function research
In the interview mentioned above, Ebright makes many important points. The entire interview is definitely worth watching. It’s shocking. First, he gives sobering insights into how this dangerous research emerged:
A funding switch: In the U.S., non-bioweapons agents research which had focused on sensible public health efforts was switched to bioweapons agents research. Only the latter was funded.
Decades of grave concerns articulated by numerous scientists were ignored.
Central to all this was Dr Anthony Fauci who, for decades, was almost single-handily responsible for the new policy.
His response to pushback and calls for revision was a doubling down of his policy. This he did despite obvious knowledge of their risks and numerous confirmed lab accidents
Researchers and institutions were essentially forced to go along. It all was about receiving funding - for select agents’ research.
With this funding, specifically dangerous pathogens were recreated, manipulated, and made much more pathogenic to humans.
Ebright also gives numerous insights about the mechanics, purported benefits, and risks of this research.
The synthetic tools to (re)create dangerous pathogens from their genetic sequence information have advanced substantially over the decades.
The technology is relatively simple and can now be done in hundreds of labs worldwide.
Potentials for misuse – of the information as well as the actual agents – have long been known.
Serious lab accidents are well documented.
This type of research has created an existential risk.
This type of research has never had any practical benefits.
Specific research projects involved the recreation of the 1918 flu virus which had been extinct, manipulation of the bird flu virus to make it transmissible in mammals, and various coronaviruses.
The ostensible benefits of doing this type of work: to help predict and prevent pandemics.
In reality, this research has never been used for this or been utilized for vaccine development.
In nature, there is an infinite number of routes for how pathogens can evolve whereas in the lab, only a few can get pursued.
This can never help predict the routes pathogens will take in real life.
Fauci kept saying it would have been a mistake to not have done this research. The risk needed to be taken (even if it was to create a pandemic).
Research on the prioritized pathogens for anticipated biological weapon agents was (a) easy to do, (b) easy to get funded, and (c) easy to get published.
These biological weapons agents programs often approached, reached, and crossed red lines by the Biological Weapons Convention.
The public is not told about the risks. Specifically, Ebright details some stats about a small subset of pathogens, the select agents including the smallpox virus, the 1918 influenza virus, the avian influenza virus H5N1, the SARS virus, the anthrax bacterium, and the plague bacterium, as follows
...only for that subset of pathogens, there is a requirement to file with the federal government a theft loss release document, a TLR, for any instance of theft, loss, or release of the pathogen.
And the United States government releases summary reporting information on those filings biannually. So every two years, a summary is released of the number of reports received. And over the entire period in which the TLR filings have been received and monitored, there has been an average of between two and four filings each week.
Tragically, the same hair-raising frequency of laboratory-acquired infections and laboratory releases is known for related work on such select agents. Canada and the UK have a similarly shockingly high rate of TLR incidents, of about one to two per week.
In the US, there are no enforceable laws for biosafety. These things are happening in our backyard. Accidents are a norm, inherent to this type of research.
Even though some review policies exist for select agents, in practice, these are commonly not adhered to. There is no oversight, simply because funding agencies have decided not to forward proposals for review. For example, the project in Wuhan, which likely gave rise to the pandemic, was funded without any review. Ebright gives some sobering stats:
NIH was informed that the researchers in Wuhan as of 2018 had engineered SARS viruses to have a 10,000 times increase in viral growth in the lung, a 1 million times increase in viral growth in the brain, and a three times increase in lethality when tested in mice that were engineered to possess human receptors for SARS viruses, so-called humanized mice. The NIH was informed of that twice in 2018, and that information should immediately have triggered a suspension of funding, followed by risk-benefit review before the resumption of funding.
And again, in context:
Fauci, chose not to flag the research, not to suspend funding, and not to forward the proposal for review. That is the research project that by all indications caused COVID-19, killing 20 million and costing 25 trillion. That project could have been prevented had at any point from 2002 To 2019, Anthony Fauci listened to concerns that were expressed by the public, scientists, science policy specialists, and the public's representatives in Congress, and hesitated, or introduced risk-benefit review, or even complied with the minimal terms of the policies that were in effect. But he chose at each time to double down to violate the policies knowingly and willfully violate the policies, those violations it appears are responsible for 20 million deaths and $25 trillion in losses.
In my book, I predicted a few things that some may find difficult to comprehend. There is a saying that indicates the timing and course of a pandemic: in the first year, it arrives, in the second, it’s here, and in the third, it leaves. There are several reasons why I argued that with SARS-CoV-2, this won’t happen. This includes its lab origin and toxic aspects (e.g., of its spike, or how it can mess with the immune system), its ability to seemingly not only infect/impair human cells, and the fact that COVID-19 vaccines have created a perfect scenario for the virus to survive and escape non-sterilizing mass-vaccinations.
The COVID-19 jabs have never eradicated the virus and instead only created a large number of other problems. As many just want to leave the pandemic behind, it may be tempting to blame a novel virus to distract from the continued presence of the virus, the increased susceptibility to existing or emerging pathogens (including those from a lab), and the persistence of vaccine injuries and deaths.
Tragically, the shots are known to damage not only immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 but also those to other pathogens, making people potentially much more susceptible to all sorts of infections. These may include viruses that previously were overall harmless (does hMPV fall into this category?). But it also applies to the viruses that are manipulated in a lab! While previously, lab workers would have been both young and rather healthy, in the context of the widespread immune impairment thanks to the pandemic response measures, this is no longer the case. Many of those who are first exposed to a lab accident or deliberate release may have been forced or enticed to get vaccinated. Their immune response may be severely disrupted.
Sadly, with this, the loop closes.
Because of the COVID-19 vaccines (and possibly others), we are facing the troubling reality of many people more susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 and various other viruses that previously they may have easily brushed off. Yet, rather than admitting this, the solution is still widely seen in vaccines.
Vaccines for lab workers, health care professionals, and the general public! If previous vaccines have failed, new and updated ones are needed. If people’s immune systems and natural immunity have been destroyed by interventions such as the mRNA jabs and they are getting sicker than before, it’s blamed on viral mutations or a novel virus altogether (of course, from nature), and BigPharma rushes to produce new vaccines.
Whereas prior attempts to create anti-HMPV vaccines proved to be insufficiently immunogenic, it was only a few months ago, that an “efficacious vaccine against hMPV respiratory infections” was proposed. It’s based on AI-guided engineering. Will this be the new marketing slogan to convince the public?
Whatever disaster prior vaccination may already have caused, the answer is always more or new injections. To cover up for previous vaccine-caused disasters, you need vaccines. To justify illegal biological weapon’s research, you say it’s for vaccine development.
In Dr Fauci’s view, dangerous gain-of-function work is critically important, especially for public health and prevention of pandemics.
Cynics may say he is right. Yet, it’s not to inform how to develop new vaccines to get ahead of a potentially new outbreak or how to improve people’s health. Rather, this type of very perilous research is seminal for the justification of the development and roll-out of vaccines – at scale. It is a perfect business model and as long as that is in place, it will be difficult to avoid lab leaks and pandemics, or rather, plandemics.
This simple truth must drive all discussions and polity on biosafety and biosecurity. We must stop barking at the wrong tree and the immensity of the financial underpinnings of the entire pandemic- public “health” network must be fully disclosed.