Biosociological = eugenic thinking is everywhere now again. If they say virus the do not only think of the biological, but also the socioloigical virus, the "ill" society, which has to get healthy. If they speak about vaccinations, often they also mean social (mental) vaccines.

What an educational nightmare. What a great return of the Nürnberger Trichter.

And then you here the dreams of the tech optimists who seems to have no clue what they are doing.


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Yes, that's the sad part. There are so many who really think they are doing something good to save the planet...

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In March 2020 WHO started the program "Social Listening". https://www.who.int/news/item/18-08-2021-social-listening-finding-the-signal-through-the-noise

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Goash! Thanks for sharing. A true nightmare! They were clearly targeting " misinformation and disinformation spread" to push for "digital approaches to social listening for immunization."

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