So you can assume that Dr. Weber ( - I came to your site via his site - is aware of this. But why doesn't he write about it and instead continues to spread crazy, lying virus nonsense?
Counterfeit medicines!! hahah us pharmacists have been identifying these issues like forever, like I mean for a hundred years. It just gets more sophisticated. It is a real problem in Europe because of parallel importation, and that is why the drug companies demanded, and got, serialization.
But surprise, surprise, for the mRNA vaccines, they did not want serialization. Thus each box could not be tracked from factory to the patient. I wonder why?
Tragic. Then, why on earth, was I given shit all those years when I tried to mention the underlying problem at all???? I was at a decent university, but received enormous resistance for suggesting misuse.
Science as a weapon for the greater good. Ist there more to knowß
Bio-Neuro-Economy sold under the umbrella of “sustainablity”.
Thanks. Have not had the chance to watch.
Just the tip of the iceberg.
More at
Yes, I know, please also consider the many publications I have on it.
So you can assume that Dr. Weber ( - I came to your site via his site - is aware of this. But why doesn't he write about it and instead continues to spread crazy, lying virus nonsense?
Ich kenn leider keinen Dr Weber und weiss auch nicht, wass er ueber mich schreibt.
"Cyberbiosicherheit – neue Angriffe und ein dringender Aufruf zum Handeln" -
Wurde von TKP gemacht.
Counterfeit medicines!! hahah us pharmacists have been identifying these issues like forever, like I mean for a hundred years. It just gets more sophisticated. It is a real problem in Europe because of parallel importation, and that is why the drug companies demanded, and got, serialization.
But surprise, surprise, for the mRNA vaccines, they did not want serialization. Thus each box could not be tracked from factory to the patient. I wonder why?
Meanwhile in Ecuador among other places. Lots of fake Covid vaccines.
Tragic. Then, why on earth, was I given shit all those years when I tried to mention the underlying problem at all???? I was at a decent university, but received enormous resistance for suggesting misuse.
That’s unbelievable. It’s a well known issue in our field.