(2 of 2) Dr Fauci must know about how important good vitamin D3 supplementation is for immune system health, and so for suppressing COVID-19 severity and transmission.
There's very little vitamin D3 in food, fortified or not, or in multivitamins. UV-B exposure of ideally white skin can produce plenty of it, but for most people this is only available in sufficient quantities for immune system health from high elevation sunlight, without glass, clothing or sunscreen intervening. This is only available outdoors in the middle of cloud-free summer days, except for people who live near the equator, when it is available most of the year, monsoon moths being the exception. This UV-B always damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.
With Dr Fauci's presumed knowledge of the necessity of substantial vitamin D3 supplementation for full immune system function, with his actual and very deep knowledge of the limitations of vaccines (or mRNA / adenovirus vector quasi-vaccines), his knowledge of the 10+ year development time for any such treatments and his extraordinary influence over the public - and more importantly health authorities, doctors and politicians - no person on Earth would have been in a better position to suppress the global pandemic, by advising that every person, in most or all countries, needs to supplement vitamin D3 in sufficient quantities to attain at least 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
Dr Fauci could have been a true hero not just of the COVID-19 pandemic (ignoring for a moment his central role in allowing and funding the GoF research which lead, directly or indirectly, to the lab creation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus). He, more any any one other person, could have given everyone the knowledge they need to get their immune systems working properly.
Why didn't he do this? Why was he so focused on the narrow (to the point of being ineffective and probably driving divergent viral evolution), short-term (for all coronavirus vaccines), protection offered by vaccines, or monoclonal antibodies, rather than fixing the underlying problem of ubiquitous immune system dysfunction due to inadequate 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels?
Why did he champion expensive, and so profitable, early treatments rather than promote inexpensive treatments and preventives, the most important and effective of which is vitamin D3, or for acute cases, a single oral dose of ~1 mg calcifediol (which is 25-hydroxyvitamin D) to boost the circulating level within 4 hours? (A 10 mg 400,000 IU bolus dose of vitamin D3 cholecalciferol takes about 4 days due to the need for hydroxylation in the liver - and only about 1/4 of it winds up as circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D.)
What level of self-delusion or mendacity can explain his choice - then and to the present day - to support ineffective, dangerous, treatments when he must know that most people's immune systems are incapable of proper operation as long as they do not supplement vitamin D3 properly, as he does himself?
fauci was in on the suppression of Real Treatment of covid from before covid.
Please also remember this about the W.H.O. ("world "health" organization"). The fix was in from before "covid". Nothing was going to stop the mRNA "vaccine" program. FEAR MUST BE MAINTAINED! Effective treatment for covid must be suppressed and not be "officially" acknowledged to insure the "criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives" for the Emergency Use Authorization of the genetic manipulation mRNA and viral vector injections.
WHO R&D Blueprint Informal consultation on prioritization of candidate therapeutic agents for use in novel coronavirus 2019 infection Geneva, Switzerland, 24 January 2020 - Coronavirus Outline of designs for experimental vaccines and therapeutics Draft version Jan 27, 2020
They dismissed HCQ outright "insufficient evidence to support its further investigation".They "KILLED" steroids while the document acknowledges "although there is evidence of efficacy in the setting of severe illness".
The US representative at this Jan 2020 meeting was, fauci stand-in, Hilary Marston - Medical Officer and Policy Advisor National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" with a big pharma "fixer" "McKinsey & Company and .. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" employment background.
The document lists a number of "the guilty parties".
Thank you. I trust that all of this must, and will, come to Light!!!
The WHO document, dated January 24, 2020, is insane. Thank you for pointing it out.
Agreed. They killed potent drugs on superfluous grounds, e.g. "Immunosuppressants and immunostimulators (e.g. corticosteroids/steroids) were also identified as products to be deprioritised as there is not enough information when the treatment should be given."
As you note, "insufficient evidence" -- should have been applied to the genetic injections, and not to proven and potent drugs and therapies!
"as there is not enough information when the treatment should be given."
as if REAL DOCTORS know nothing about when to give corticosteroids/steroids.
or REAL DOCTORS had not already found steroids life saving when used in the latter stage, when moving to and entering and when in the immune dis-regulation stage of severe covid
A less likely drug to choose at a much too low a dose shown to save lives then never to be followed up upon with big studies using higher and much higher doses of corticosteroids such as methylprednisolone and prednisone which had already been demonstrated to be much more effective in both preventing hospitalization because of covid and in preventing in hospital deaths from covid.
Agreed. REAL DOCTORS have experience and are open-minded. Even if large studies show A or B, nobody should be able to get between doctors and their patients.
"by their fruits ye shall know them" by the Depraved-heart mass murder of millions ye shall know fauci.. He is, clearly, one of the embodied evil, embodied at this time in Our Earth's history for the purpose of advancing the inner level plan of evil for its total control, genetically engineered, dystopian, depopulated future ongoing for the large majority of those souls who are or come to be embodied on "that" planet earth.
The plan of evil which now increasing numbers of people across Our Earth see. .
Thank you for your clear explanations on the Vitamin-D3 topic.
I am trying to figure out why you want to add a additional unit (multiplier) to an already confused situation with IU and ug that will result in misunderstandings. The reason to use microgrammes is because it is a standard. Added value is that the numbers are not massive nor are they fractions. The value 150 is easier to remember, manipulate mentally and parse without errors than 0.15 or 6000.
I would also urge you at the expense of a few more typed characters to use both popular units for the dose AND for the serum concentration. There is a whole world of people out there that do not use the same units and showing both demonstrates fluency in the topic and respect for other readers. I used to try and tailor my units to the person I was responding to but realised that others may read a public post so have taken to using both sets of units whenever possible. It reduces the need to clarify and asking others to include at least one set of units is also needed due to the potential for serum values to be misconstrued.
I will keep trying to reach out to you on this matter because it is important and there is no reason, good or otherwise I can think of that would justify adding confusion.
(1 of 2) Dr Fauci knew that vaccines take 10 years plus testing in order to be known to be safe enough for widespread deployment. He attested to this in 1999: https://rumble.com/v20t87i-1999-fauci-said-it-could-take-up-to-12-years-for-everyone-to-realize-the-da.html. This video also includes him stating, in 2020, that a great deal of research is needed to ensure that the vaccine does not cause ADE (antibody dependent enhancement), in which the vaccine - he cites an example of an RSV vaccine - "paradoxically made the children worse" and an experimental HIV vaccine which made people more likely to become infected.
This is more than the 50 ng/mL the immune system needs and far above the general level of white people, far from the equator, in winter, if they do not supplement vitamin D3 properly - 15 to 25 ng/mL. Those with black or brown skin have even lower levels.
Most doctors follow government recommendations regarding vitamin D3 supplementation, in quantities such as 0.015 mg (600 IU) a day for most adults. This is probably enough to attain a circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of 20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L) which is sufficient for the kidneys to regulate calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism. (They do this by further hydroxylating it to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D calcitriol, and maintaining a very low level of this in the bloodstream, where it functions a hormone - a long-distance, blood-borne signaling molecule to affect the behaviour of multiple cell types in the bone, kidneys and digestive system. This is endocrine signalling. This is the sole hormonal function of these three compounds. Neither vitamin D3 nor 25-hydroxyvitamin D function as hormones. They are not signaling molecules.)
The immune system does not use endocrine AKA hormonal signaling. Individual immune cells of multiple types require a circulating level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D of 50 ng/mL or more (1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) in order to properly run their internal (intracrine) and to nearby cells (paracrine) signaling systems. These systems are not known to or understood by most doctors. Very few immunologists are aware of them, but they are crucial to the ability of individual immune cells to respond to their changing circumstances. There are no tutorials about these systems in the peer-reviewed literature, so I wrote two - firstly and in greatest detail (November 2020): https://vitamindstopscovid.info/02-intracrine/ and secondly: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#02-compounds.
In 2014, Quraishi et al. (Massachusetts General Hospital) https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/1782085 showed that the risk of post-operative infections - both surgical site infections and hospital-acquired infections - was about 2.5% in 770 morbidly obese patients who underwent bariatric surgery for weight loss, for those with pre-operative 50 ng/mL or more circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
The further the level was below this, the greater the risk of both types of infection. At 18 ng/mL - a level which many people have if they are not supplementing vitamin D3 at all, or perhaps in small quantities such as 0.015 mg (600 IU) a day on average - the risk of each of these two types of primarily bacterial infection rose to 25%. See an annotated diagram at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#00-50ngmL.
Dr Fauci knows enough about vitamin D to supplement substantially, and healthily, with quantities ten times that of government recommendations. He surely knows this is not necessary for bone health - so he must know that the primary reason for doing this is to enable the immune system to work properly.
After a few months, with his slight body weight, 0.15 mg (6000 IU) a day will take his circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D close to - and perhaps to - twice the 50 ng/mL Quraishi et al. showed clearly was needed to suppress common bacterial infections. The above page also cites and discusses some of the large number of peer-reviewed journal articles which show that higher levels of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin than are present in the general, unsupplemented, population greatly reduce the risk of COVID-19 severe symptoms, and so viral shedding - which means a great reduction in transmission and so the suppression of pandemic spread.
It is reasonable to believe that circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are needed to provide full-strength immune responses to cancer cells, viral, bacterial and yeast/fungal pathogens and to better regulate the excessive, cell-destroying, inflammatory responses which cause sepsis, severe COVID-19, Kawasaki disease, MIS-C etc. (See https://vitamindstopscovid.info/06-adv/ for how this excessively strong inflammatory response is due, largely or entirely, to lack of helminth infections.)
Thank you for a detailed rebuttal to the vaccine by Fauci himself. What I believe has been missed in all the controversy is the idea of the mRNA platform vaccines themselves. Under what rational is the idea of injecting a “vaccine” that coverts your cells into viral antigens, possibly cause immunity? What it will do is spawn a legion of auto-antibodies against the host, which is what we are seeing. Secondly, what possible public health protocol is being observed by a mass vaccination, in the middle of a pandemic, guaranteed to cause and encourage mutations. Who ever thought this insane approach to public health, won’t cause the exact opposite, like over 5 million people dead?
Very good points. Thank you. You are right. Their paper does not mention auto-antibodies at all. Neither mass vaccination into a pandemic. I also don't know what it will take for them to accept raw - sobering and chilling - numbers and facts.
Thank you for saying this so clearly! Agreed! There must be a reckoning, for the WHO and others. In this sense, I believe the existing (and somewhat modified) IHRs ought to be rejected as well.
They have been rejected, and taken off the table. Think about it for a moment. The WHO took a full year before declaring the SARS-2 was an airborne infection, something we all knew from the start. This incompetence allowed an epidemic to become a pandemic, and now they want to be rewarded by controlling the protocol and future of all pandemics! Wow! That hubris for you.
(2 of 2) Dr Fauci must know about how important good vitamin D3 supplementation is for immune system health, and so for suppressing COVID-19 severity and transmission.
There's very little vitamin D3 in food, fortified or not, or in multivitamins. UV-B exposure of ideally white skin can produce plenty of it, but for most people this is only available in sufficient quantities for immune system health from high elevation sunlight, without glass, clothing or sunscreen intervening. This is only available outdoors in the middle of cloud-free summer days, except for people who live near the equator, when it is available most of the year, monsoon moths being the exception. This UV-B always damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.
With Dr Fauci's presumed knowledge of the necessity of substantial vitamin D3 supplementation for full immune system function, with his actual and very deep knowledge of the limitations of vaccines (or mRNA / adenovirus vector quasi-vaccines), his knowledge of the 10+ year development time for any such treatments and his extraordinary influence over the public - and more importantly health authorities, doctors and politicians - no person on Earth would have been in a better position to suppress the global pandemic, by advising that every person, in most or all countries, needs to supplement vitamin D3 in sufficient quantities to attain at least 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
Dr Fauci could have been a true hero not just of the COVID-19 pandemic (ignoring for a moment his central role in allowing and funding the GoF research which lead, directly or indirectly, to the lab creation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus). He, more any any one other person, could have given everyone the knowledge they need to get their immune systems working properly.
The impact of this would have gone far beyond suppressing COVID-19. A vast list of illnesses - from in-utero problems of autism, mental retardation, pre-eclampsia and pre-term birth (https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#3.2), to dementia (https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#3.3), plus auto-immune diseases and sepsis (which 11 million people, worldwide, in 2017: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)32989-7/ ) - would be much rarer if everyone had at least 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
Why didn't he do this? Why was he so focused on the narrow (to the point of being ineffective and probably driving divergent viral evolution), short-term (for all coronavirus vaccines), protection offered by vaccines, or monoclonal antibodies, rather than fixing the underlying problem of ubiquitous immune system dysfunction due to inadequate 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels?
Why did he champion expensive, and so profitable, early treatments rather than promote inexpensive treatments and preventives, the most important and effective of which is vitamin D3, or for acute cases, a single oral dose of ~1 mg calcifediol (which is 25-hydroxyvitamin D) to boost the circulating level within 4 hours? (A 10 mg 400,000 IU bolus dose of vitamin D3 cholecalciferol takes about 4 days due to the need for hydroxylation in the liver - and only about 1/4 of it winds up as circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D.)
What level of self-delusion or mendacity can explain his choice - then and to the present day - to support ineffective, dangerous, treatments when he must know that most people's immune systems are incapable of proper operation as long as they do not supplement vitamin D3 properly, as he does himself?
fauci was in on the suppression of Real Treatment of covid from before covid.
Please also remember this about the W.H.O. ("world "health" organization"). The fix was in from before "covid". Nothing was going to stop the mRNA "vaccine" program. FEAR MUST BE MAINTAINED! Effective treatment for covid must be suppressed and not be "officially" acknowledged to insure the "criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives" for the Emergency Use Authorization of the genetic manipulation mRNA and viral vector injections.
The beginning of the implementation of "their" premeditated plan to KILL HCQ AND STEROIDS etc, to kill all REAL early covid treatment and effective REAL emergency room and REAL hospital covid treatment, to push remdesivir and the vaccine only path is documented here https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/330680/WHO-HEO-RDBlueprint%28nCoV%29-2020.1-eng.pdf?sequence=1
WHO R&D Blueprint Informal consultation on prioritization of candidate therapeutic agents for use in novel coronavirus 2019 infection Geneva, Switzerland, 24 January 2020 - Coronavirus Outline of designs for experimental vaccines and therapeutics Draft version Jan 27, 2020
They dismissed HCQ outright "insufficient evidence to support its further investigation".They "KILLED" steroids while the document acknowledges "although there is evidence of efficacy in the setting of severe illness".
The US representative at this Jan 2020 meeting was, fauci stand-in, Hilary Marston - Medical Officer and Policy Advisor National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" with a big pharma "fixer" "McKinsey & Company and .. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" employment background.
The document lists a number of "the guilty parties".
Thank you. I trust that all of this must, and will, come to Light!!!
The WHO document, dated January 24, 2020, is insane. Thank you for pointing it out.
Agreed. They killed potent drugs on superfluous grounds, e.g. "Immunosuppressants and immunostimulators (e.g. corticosteroids/steroids) were also identified as products to be deprioritised as there is not enough information when the treatment should be given."
As you note, "insufficient evidence" -- should have been applied to the genetic injections, and not to proven and potent drugs and therapies!
"as there is not enough information when the treatment should be given."
as if REAL DOCTORS know nothing about when to give corticosteroids/steroids.
or REAL DOCTORS had not already found steroids life saving when used in the latter stage, when moving to and entering and when in the immune dis-regulation stage of severe covid
Then the begrudgingly allowed study "Dexamethasone in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19" https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2021436
A less likely drug to choose at a much too low a dose shown to save lives then never to be followed up upon with big studies using higher and much higher doses of corticosteroids such as methylprednisolone and prednisone which had already been demonstrated to be much more effective in both preventing hospitalization because of covid and in preventing in hospital deaths from covid.
Agreed. REAL DOCTORS have experience and are open-minded. Even if large studies show A or B, nobody should be able to get between doctors and their patients.
"by their fruits ye shall know them" by the Depraved-heart mass murder of millions ye shall know fauci.. He is, clearly, one of the embodied evil, embodied at this time in Our Earth's history for the purpose of advancing the inner level plan of evil for its total control, genetically engineered, dystopian, depopulated future ongoing for the large majority of those souls who are or come to be embodied on "that" planet earth.
The plan of evil which now increasing numbers of people across Our Earth see. .
see definition of Depraved-heart murder at wickedpedia here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depraved-heart_murder
Good points. Thank you. Indeed! He could have been a hero!
Thank you for your clear explanations on the Vitamin-D3 topic.
I am trying to figure out why you want to add a additional unit (multiplier) to an already confused situation with IU and ug that will result in misunderstandings. The reason to use microgrammes is because it is a standard. Added value is that the numbers are not massive nor are they fractions. The value 150 is easier to remember, manipulate mentally and parse without errors than 0.15 or 6000.
I would also urge you at the expense of a few more typed characters to use both popular units for the dose AND for the serum concentration. There is a whole world of people out there that do not use the same units and showing both demonstrates fluency in the topic and respect for other readers. I used to try and tailor my units to the person I was responding to but realised that others may read a public post so have taken to using both sets of units whenever possible. It reduces the need to clarify and asking others to include at least one set of units is also needed due to the potential for serum values to be misconstrued.
I will keep trying to reach out to you on this matter because it is important and there is no reason, good or otherwise I can think of that would justify adding confusion.
(1 of 2) Dr Fauci knew that vaccines take 10 years plus testing in order to be known to be safe enough for widespread deployment. He attested to this in 1999: https://rumble.com/v20t87i-1999-fauci-said-it-could-take-up-to-12-years-for-everyone-to-realize-the-da.html. This video also includes him stating, in 2020, that a great deal of research is needed to ensure that the vaccine does not cause ADE (antibody dependent enhancement), in which the vaccine - he cites an example of an RSV vaccine - "paradoxically made the children worse" and an experimental HIV vaccine which made people more likely to become infected.
Dr Fauci takes 0.15 mg (6000 IU) Vitamin D3 a day, which for his relatively light body weight would probably attain 70 to 90 ng/mL (175 to 225 nmol/L) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. https://richardgreenethecivicsdean.medium.com/dr-fauci-takes-6-000-iu-of-vitamin-d-every-day-so-should-you-85d28c8f5c80 .
This is more than the 50 ng/mL the immune system needs and far above the general level of white people, far from the equator, in winter, if they do not supplement vitamin D3 properly - 15 to 25 ng/mL. Those with black or brown skin have even lower levels.
Please see: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/how-much-vitamin-d3-to-take and https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ for the best research on the need for 50 ng/mL or more circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (AKA calcifediol, or "calcidiol") made primarily in the liver from circulating or UV-B -> skin produced vitamin D3 cholecalciferol.
Most doctors follow government recommendations regarding vitamin D3 supplementation, in quantities such as 0.015 mg (600 IU) a day for most adults. This is probably enough to attain a circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of 20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L) which is sufficient for the kidneys to regulate calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism. (They do this by further hydroxylating it to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D calcitriol, and maintaining a very low level of this in the bloodstream, where it functions a hormone - a long-distance, blood-borne signaling molecule to affect the behaviour of multiple cell types in the bone, kidneys and digestive system. This is endocrine signalling. This is the sole hormonal function of these three compounds. Neither vitamin D3 nor 25-hydroxyvitamin D function as hormones. They are not signaling molecules.)
The immune system does not use endocrine AKA hormonal signaling. Individual immune cells of multiple types require a circulating level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D of 50 ng/mL or more (1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) in order to properly run their internal (intracrine) and to nearby cells (paracrine) signaling systems. These systems are not known to or understood by most doctors. Very few immunologists are aware of them, but they are crucial to the ability of individual immune cells to respond to their changing circumstances. There are no tutorials about these systems in the peer-reviewed literature, so I wrote two - firstly and in greatest detail (November 2020): https://vitamindstopscovid.info/02-intracrine/ and secondly: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#02-compounds.
In 2014, Quraishi et al. (Massachusetts General Hospital) https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/1782085 showed that the risk of post-operative infections - both surgical site infections and hospital-acquired infections - was about 2.5% in 770 morbidly obese patients who underwent bariatric surgery for weight loss, for those with pre-operative 50 ng/mL or more circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
The further the level was below this, the greater the risk of both types of infection. At 18 ng/mL - a level which many people have if they are not supplementing vitamin D3 at all, or perhaps in small quantities such as 0.015 mg (600 IU) a day on average - the risk of each of these two types of primarily bacterial infection rose to 25%. See an annotated diagram at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#00-50ngmL.
Dr Fauci knows enough about vitamin D to supplement substantially, and healthily, with quantities ten times that of government recommendations. He surely knows this is not necessary for bone health - so he must know that the primary reason for doing this is to enable the immune system to work properly.
After a few months, with his slight body weight, 0.15 mg (6000 IU) a day will take his circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D close to - and perhaps to - twice the 50 ng/mL Quraishi et al. showed clearly was needed to suppress common bacterial infections. The above page also cites and discusses some of the large number of peer-reviewed journal articles which show that higher levels of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin than are present in the general, unsupplemented, population greatly reduce the risk of COVID-19 severe symptoms, and so viral shedding - which means a great reduction in transmission and so the suppression of pandemic spread.
It is reasonable to believe that circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are needed to provide full-strength immune responses to cancer cells, viral, bacterial and yeast/fungal pathogens and to better regulate the excessive, cell-destroying, inflammatory responses which cause sepsis, severe COVID-19, Kawasaki disease, MIS-C etc. (See https://vitamindstopscovid.info/06-adv/ for how this excessively strong inflammatory response is due, largely or entirely, to lack of helminth infections.)
Seasonal changes in circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, due to little or no UV-B skin exposure in winter, drive the seasonality of influenza and other respiratory diseases, including COVID-19: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/covid-19-seasonality-is-primarily . For how much vitamin D3 to supplement, according to body weight and obesity status, please see the recommendations of New Jersey based Professor of Medicine, summarised at: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/how-much-vitamin-d3-to-take, based on his article in Nutrients: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/14/14/2997 as recently simplified in an FLCCC webinar: https://odysee.com/@FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance:c/Weeekly_Webinar_Aug16_2023:d?t=3386 .
Thank you for this detailed list re Vit D. Yes he knows. Otherwise he would not take it himself.
Thank you for a detailed rebuttal to the vaccine by Fauci himself. What I believe has been missed in all the controversy is the idea of the mRNA platform vaccines themselves. Under what rational is the idea of injecting a “vaccine” that coverts your cells into viral antigens, possibly cause immunity? What it will do is spawn a legion of auto-antibodies against the host, which is what we are seeing. Secondly, what possible public health protocol is being observed by a mass vaccination, in the middle of a pandemic, guaranteed to cause and encourage mutations. Who ever thought this insane approach to public health, won’t cause the exact opposite, like over 5 million people dead?
Very good points. Thank you. You are right. Their paper does not mention auto-antibodies at all. Neither mass vaccination into a pandemic. I also don't know what it will take for them to accept raw - sobering and chilling - numbers and facts.
I’ve been in public health for 43 years and never seen such a terrible handling of a pandemic, guaranteed to cause more harm than good.
Thank you for saying this so clearly! Agreed! There must be a reckoning, for the WHO and others. In this sense, I believe the existing (and somewhat modified) IHRs ought to be rejected as well.
They have been rejected, and taken off the table. Think about it for a moment. The WHO took a full year before declaring the SARS-2 was an airborne infection, something we all knew from the start. This incompetence allowed an epidemic to become a pandemic, and now they want to be rewarded by controlling the protocol and future of all pandemics! Wow! That hubris for you.
That's exactly the point. So many of us knew all along and were silenced. It is those who should be rewarded - openly and in public.